CU Travel
Dreaming of your next getaway? Use our VisaⓇ Credit Card for CU Travel and earn cashback while supporting GPOFCU! Win-win!
Save on 1.2 million brand-name hotels worldwide, and book flights and car rentals all in one place with @CreditUnionTravel.
The $99/year membership fee is waived for all GPOFCU members so that you can get free lifetime access.
Learn more:
Membership is the gift that keeps on giving!
Experience exclusive benefits, community connections, and financial empowerment. Give the gift of membership and share the joy of belonging today.
If you live, work, or attend school or church in the areas of Southeast, Southwest, Northeast and most areas of Northwest Washington, DC
If your family or a household member is already a GPOFCU member
If employed by or referred from GPO or one of our employer groups that sponsors GPOFCU membership as an employee/family benefit
GPO MDDC Trailblazer Awards
GPO FCU has won MDDC Trailblazer Awards for four consecutive years! The annual Marketing Trailblazer Awards recognize outstanding marketing and communications achievements in a variety of categories by credit union asset size. Here are all the awards we have accomplished:
2021: Best Social Media/Content, Best Digital Marketing, and Best Video Project
2022: Best Social Media/Content Marketing and Best Digital Marketing
2023: Best Digital Campaign and Best Return on Investment
2024: Best Return On Investment and Best Wildcard
This recognition reflects our commitment to delivering innovative marketing campaigns, exceptional member experiences, and cutting-edge digital solutions. Thank you to our amazing team and loyal members for making this achievement possible. We are committed to continuously raising the bar and providing unparalleled financial services!